Membership Meeting 4/26/2023
Convergint | Federal 6650 Eli Whitney Dr, Suite 400, Columbia, MD, United StatesChapter Business Meeting Slides: 2023-04-26 Meeting Presentation Speaker Slides: Cyber 911 Presentation Click Here to view promotional Video Topic: Who ya gonna call? If there was something strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call? The answer is obviously, the … Continued
BSides Charm
Sheraton Baltimore North 903 Dulaney Valley Rd, Towson, MD, United StatesBSidesCharm is a regional Security BSides held in the Baltimore region of Maryland. It operates under the umbrella principles of Security BSides as a larger community project within information security. BSides aims to offer small, intimate events where all participants … Continued
Membership Meeting 5/24/2023
MIC - Maryland Innovation Center 6751 Columbia Gateway Dr, ColumbiaChapter Business Meeting Slides: 2023-05-24 Meeting Presentation Speaker Slides: None Topic: The Value Of Engaging Cybersecurity Communications Keeper Security Director of Global Communications Anne Cutler will share her unique career path from anchoring the evening news in a small town in … Continued