Cyber Threat Hunting Workshop


Join RedSeal and ISSA Central Maryland on Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 11:30am ET, for a free virtual Cyber Threat Hunting workshop for cybersecurity practitioners. Learn to identify potential attack vectors that bad actors could use to exploit existing vulnerabilities During the event, … Continued


BSidesCharm is a regional Security B-Sides held in Baltimore, MD. It operates under the umbrella principles of Security B-Sides as a larger community project within information security. The goal of BSides is to offer small, intimate events where all participants … Continued

Billington CyberSecurity Summit

Following a sold-out Summit in 2019, the 11th Annual CyberSecurity Summit promises to continue the proud tradition of convening the top “who’s who” in cybersecurity leadership for an unparalleled two days of high-level networking and knowledge-sharing to advocate cyber mission … Continued