Dark Web Forensics Deep Dive Workshop – Live Online


This is an in-depth workshop on Dark Web Forensics investigations including technical details of how the dark web/TOR works, a tour of actual dark web markets; and specific investigative techniques or tools for dark web investigations. This one-day workshop is … Continued

Cyber Trivia Competition


Cyber Trivia Competition Tuesday, January 25, 2022 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM RSVP Online at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1068163871937491213   Do you have what it takes to be a champion of cyber security knowledge? Join the ISSA DC, ISSA NOVA, and ISSA … Continued

The Convergence of Digital and Physical Security

Managing risk under one unified platform results in streamlined communications and response, faster remediation of disruptions, and ultimately, reduced impact to business continuity. Whether your employees are working from home, in the office, or in a hybrid environment, it’s more … Continued

FutureCon Baltimore CyberSecurity Conference

FutureCon Baltimore CyberSecurity Conference - FutureCon is hosting a cybersecurity conference on March 30th at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport and has graciously offered chapter members a free pass to the conference.  For further details and to register, please visit https://futureconevents.com/events/baltimore-dc-2022/.   Please … Continued