Data Connectors Baltimore 2020

Capital Region: Virtual Cybersecurity Summit A live, interactive experience! Wednesday, September 30th More than 70,000 members of the Data Connectors Cybersecurity Community are in the DC area. The Virtual Summit will be conducted in real time, with the same panels, … Continued

December 2020 “Lunch and Learn”

Virtual via Zoom MD

O365 Lunch and Learn Abstract: We'll navigate through uncharted security territory by analyzing the attack lifecycle in the cloud and dissecting a real-world attack. The same technology that makes the cloud dynamic can have the opposite effect on an organization’s … Continued

AFCEA January Luncheon


Featured Speakers: GEN Keith Alexander (Ret.), Founder, Chairman & Co-CEO of IronNet Cybersecurity, is one of the foremost authorities on cybersecurity in the world. A four-star Army general, GEN Alexander was previously the highest-ranked military official of USCYBERCOM, NSA/CSS, where he led these … Continued

AFCEA Virtual Lunch and Learn


RAD for Small Business Panel Discuss lessons learned and best practices to help Small Businesses take on Independent Research & Development as a way to advance innovative solutions and improve their outreach to their customers. Panel Moderator: Robert Parlock - Vice … Continued