Topic: When disaster strikes… what you can do to prepare until help arrives.
A police officer is many things in one. At times a police officer must be a peacekeeper, a counselor, an enforcer, and a life saver. All these jobs carry the responsibility of knowledge in all fields. A police officer must understand mental health issues, information security, local and state laws, criminal and civil laws, and emergency medicine. A police officer is the first person to arrive in an emergency and must act quick and efficiently. Many police officers obtain specialties that further advance them toward solving problems. Teresa specialties are aimed a lifesaving operations and preservation of life after disaster strikes.
Speaker: Teresa Murphy, Prince George’s County Police Department
Teresa Murphy is an eleven-year veteran of Prince George’s County Police. She received a bachelor’s degree in business and accounting from the University of New Mexico and has continued studies in disaster preparedness online from various universities and FEMA instructions. Her current field placement is a Sergeant of Shift 5 in Bowie, Maryland. She is interested in community relations and disaster recovery/ preparation. She is highly trained in special operation techniques to include Swift Water Advanced Rescue, Certified Bomb Technician, Radiation Detection, Civil Disturbance Level 1, Crash Reconstruction Levels 1,2, and 3, and is an FAA certified UAS Remote Pilot. She recently completed Incident Command Systems 400 that deals with large scale natural disaster recovery..